Bachelor of Economics
Study Area
Study Level
Course Detail
Intake Time
Standard Duration
About the Course
This degree is ranked in the top four undergraduate economics courses in Australia. The program introduces you to a diverse, fascinating discipline that addresses a range of big issues in modern life and plays a central role in shaping the broad framework of society at every level. It provides undergraduate training in theoretical and applied aspects of modern economics, econometrics and financial economics. Although primarily interested in explaining the behaviour of individuals, economics also addresses the collective behaviour of businesses and industries, governments and countries, and the globe as a whole. The discipline is crucial to understanding and solving the major problems and challenges the world faces today, such as global warming, poverty, development, and recession. The Bachelor of Economics requires you to complete a core major from one of the following areas: Economics Econometrics Financial Economics Environmental, Agricultural and Resource Economics. A minor or second major can be taken from the core majors or from the University's shared pool. You may choose to study a related area, such as commerce or marketing, or pursue knowledge in another field of study.
Average Score
A minimum result of 7.0 overall and a minimum result of 6.0 in each band
Background Requirements
The University of Sydney