Our Team

ACIC Melbourne has the most qualified, professional and experienced team in the industry. All of our staff has studied in Australia at a tertiary institution, and over 95% has completed a Master’s degree, equipped with first-hand knowledge of Australian education and life. With years of working in the sector, they are experienced experts in international education. Their expertise, professionalism and quality services are second to none.


Key Team Members

Branch Manager / Migration Manager

Elaine Zhou

Elaine is a registered migration agent in Australia (No. 2014351) adhering to the MARA Code of Conducts, and has been working in the industry for many years. With her expertise and experience, Elaine provides clients with tailored migration plans to their needs in a variety of visa types including skilled, partner and business and investment visas.

Customer Service Manager

Martin Xu

Having started working in the Australian education industry since 2013, Martin is a Qualified Education Agent Consellor (No. K582) and is the Customer Service Manager at ACIC Melbourne. All these years work experience has equipped Martin with the precise knowledge of institution admission requirements, career and job market trends, and Australian visa policies, which enables him to provide students with best education and migration plans.

Upholding the philosophy that “education is no trivial matter” and the principle of integrity, Martin has been wholeheartedly helping clients resolve difficulties in course and visa applications for years. His great conscientiousness and great amount of successful cases has won both clients’ trust and top universities’ offers for his students. Martin will be your guide and companion to fulfill your dream of studying abroad.


Ellen Xu

Ellen is a Qualified Education Agent Consellor, with over ten years of life in Australia and many years of work experience in the education industry. She is not only familiar with the Australian culture and customs, but she also knows well about the Australian institutions’ admissions requirements, application procedures and visa policies. Ellen is passionate, responsible, and a good communicator. She knows how to customize a study plan that fits your personal interest and characteristics.

Love your job, and love your life. Ellen is passionate about dessert making as well. She believes that the philosophy is similar to that of education counseling. You both need a tailored recipe, patience and company, and ultimate expectation. In the students’ eyes, Ellen is an education consultant who is great at dessert making, who always brings good luck, and who acts as a good teacher and helpful friend during their journey in Australia. With her assistance, students are able to get a satisfying education plan and a unique education life. For any obstacles in life, difficulties in study, or hesitations in course choice, Ellen will always be the compass for you.

Travel Consultant

Rachel Wang

Rachel came to study in Australia in 2003, completed her Master of Engineering with outstanding results from Swinburne University of Technology in 2006, and then acquired Permanent Residency through the skilled migration program. She used to work as store manager at a travel agency for five years. From the valuable time of study and work in Australia, Rachel gets to know this country better and better, and has fallen for its vitality, multi-culture and human interest.

In 2017, Rachel joined ACIC Melbourne to assume the office of Travel Consultant who is in charge of global discount flights booking, domestic travel counselling, and private car charter services. She provides clients with a wide range of tourism products, such as student-only tours, overseas study tours, and tailor-made tours. Rachel is dedicated to designing awesome and comfortable travel plans, where people will be able to visit the best places at the best time. Every time, sharing with the clients of their beautiful souvenirs, memorable experiences and every bit of excitement would be the happiest moment for Rachel. Life allows no hesitation, so start your journey right now, right here.

Admissions Officer

Betty Tan

Betty completed her Master’s degree in Financial Management from The Australian National University with outstanding results, and is now a Qualified Education Agent Consellor (No. N744). Having been working as an Admissions Officer at ACIC Melbourne for years, she is equipped with wide experience in the international education industry.

Betty has received many compliments from our clients including “kind and nice”, “good communication skills”, and “highly efficient”. She is proficient in course and visa application, rich in case experience and industry knowledge, and is always well aware of students’ needs. During these years of work, Betty has helped a lot of clients solve study and visa related issues, and has helped them fulfil their dreams in Australia.

Admissions Officer

Nancy Long

Having migrated to Australia since 2010, Nancy used to work at a travel agency for five years, taking charge of flights booking and tours planning, and she has also worked in Child Care sector for one year.

After joining ACIC Melbourne in 2018, Nancy serves as an Admissions Officer to mainly deal with institution applications and visa applications. She is outgoing, optimistic, sincere and highly patient. In leisure time, Nancy likes watching movies, enjoying outdoor recreation and making friends. During the 10 years of residence in Australia, Nancy believes to “work, live and feel with your heart”. 

Marketing Director

Yufeng Zhou


Linda Fu

Linda completed her Bachelor of Translation from East China Normal University, and then studied Master of Translating and Interpreting at Macquarie University. Upon graduation, Linda is conferred AUSIT Student Excellence Award for her outstanding results. She is now a NAATI Certified Translator (English<>Chinese) and NAATI Certified Interpreter (Mandarin and English).

At work, Linda is kind, passionate, diligent and conscientious. She understands the anxiety and obstacles one may face when new to Australia, especially for international students, migrants and tourists who lacks language proficiency. Therefore, she always makes all-out efforts to provide clients with professional and attentive translation and interpreting services, from which they could feel the warmth of this foreign land and they will be able to genuinely start a wonderful life journey in Australia.

Business Analyst

Chris Wang

Chris Graduated from The University of Melbourne with Master of Information Systems, and is now a member of the Australian Computer Society (No.4260024). As a Business and Systems Analyst, Chris is proficient in Microsoft Office and highly skilled in programing languages, so as to determine requirements, identify problems and conduct analysis for various departments of the company. Chris is also equipped with good communication skills, teamwork skills and educational background in business, and is therefore able to coordinate and cooperate within different departments to provide better services for international students.

Years of overseas study and comprehensive education and career planning has provided Chris with in-depth knowledge of the Australian education industry and enriched first-hand experience. From choosing ACIC Melbourne as her education agent, to finally becoming part of this friendly and professional team, Chris is very confident to help more international students fulfill their dreams in Australia.