Master of Geospatial Science
Study Area
Study Level
Course Detail
Intake Time
Standard Duration
About the Course
Geospatial scientists are experts in using spatial analytics to make sense of big spatial data captured from the latest sensor technologies. A Master of Geospatial Science will prepare you for leadership roles in this field, building your understanding of spatial analytics and big spatial data for making critical decisions about our built and natural environment. You'll gain professional-level expertise in the analysis, management, capture and visualisation of spatial information, and become proficient in the latest technologies and infrastructures to support these skills. Through this course you will develop a unique breadth of expertise across geospatial science, including: knowledge of fundamental spatial information technologies, including geographic information systems (GIS), geospatial programming, spatial databases, and cloud and mobile geospatial computing. advanced skills in mapping and visualisation for creating engaging and interactive geospatial presentations. knowledge of the latest spatial data capture systems, including satellite remote sensing, GPS satellite positioning, drone and aerial imagery, wearable sensors, sensor networks, and crowdsourced data. specialised knowledge in key areas that complement geospatial science, and tailored to your specific needs, which may include environmental science, natural resource management, computer science, business and project management, architecture and urban planning, mathematics or statistics.
Average Score
at least 50%