Master of Photography
Study Area
Study Level
Course Detail
Intake Time
Standard Duration
About the Course
The Master of Photography is designed for professional photographers, artists and creative industry professionals to advance their skills and enliven their practice. It is the only of its kind in Australia. The role of the photographer is evolving, particularly in relation to imaging technologies and emerging media devices, their impact on society and use in photography. In this course, you will utilise studio-based learning and independent research in a dynamic environment designed to help you build on your natural and taught creativity. Through your autonomous and practice-led development, you will demonstrate expert judgment in analysing and applying photographic theories, practices and technologies. The capstone experience of this program is a major photographic project that is publicly presented for critical review. Graduates will be prepared for a career in photography, able to provide insight and leadership to research, and produce photographic images and knowledge to a global media economy.
Average Score