Master of Teaching (Secondary)
Study Area
Study Level
Course Detail
Intake Time
Standard Duration
About the Course
The Master of Teaching (Secondary) is a two-year equivalent accelerated secondary teacher degree that can be completed in four terms (1.3 years). Once you have completed your first year of study you will be eligible to apply for a job in NSW Schools. The program is uniquely designed to provide a nationally accredited pre-service teaching qualification and, at the same time, support students in their transition to their first year of teaching.You will gain advanced skills in effective unit and lesson planning, assessment and reporting. The degree emphasises enhanced communication skills to ensure effective classroom communication, the practice of reflective teaching and the desire to continually improve professional knowledge and practice.
Average Score
at least 60%
7.5 overall (min 7.0 in writing & reading, 8.0 in speaking & listening)
Background Requirements
The University of New South Wales